
Mental Wellbeing

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Nikah Service

Islam teaches us that marriage is an important part of our life
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Find Your Spouse

Are you searching for a spouse but don’t know where to look? CMA has a solution…
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Schools Liaison

Come to the Masjid to learn about the Islamic faith, and the Muslims in your community
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Masjid Visits

Come to the Masjid to learn about the Islamic faith, and the Muslims in your community
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Community Cohesion

Coming together is a way to help communities become cohesive
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Zakat provides many benefits to a person that makes their contribution towards society.
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Islamic Wills

“It is the duty of a Muslim, who has anything to bequeath, not to let two nights pass without including it in his Will.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari
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Funeral Fund

Funeral Arrangements “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”
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Funeral Arrangements “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”
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Funeral Arrangements “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”
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