
Cheadle Masjid has developed a support group for new Muslims who want to learn more about the faith of Islam, as well as for those who are considering becoming Muslims. This support group was established earlier in 2024 and Alhamdulillah over ten people have taken their Shahadah at Cheadle Masjid this year alone.

In order to provide support for reverts or those considering reverting to Islam, we have weekly gatherings for both Brothers and Sisters. The gatherings for males take place on a Wednesday and sisters gatherings take place on a Sunday. Here they have the opportunity to learn some of the essentials of Islam in a relaxed setting, with the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from other reverts.

In order to support those who are coming to Islam, we provide materials for new Muslims which include a Quran, a Salat tutorial booklet, a Muslim guide, a Tauheed book and an interactive prayer mat. In addition, our dedicated group of volunteers hold regular circles, Iftars and gatherings to support reverts in their journey to Islam.

Please do support this important service by donating to our reverts support group on

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