Schools Liaison

Welcome the Schools Liaison Department of Cheadle Masjid.


We believe in providing hands on support to children and adults of all backgrounds in learning about the practical aspects of a Muslim’s life and gain a better understanding of our faith.

Facilitating connections between schools and the community is incredibly significant. Numerous benefits arise from meaningful engagement, including the enhancement of cultural understanding, fostering educational collaborations, and strengthening community cohesion.

Through our centre, we offer guidance to both schools and students. Our primary aim is to empower students to take an active role allow them to organise and lead their activities while we provide support along the way.

What we offer

We offer various services within our program to schools. We mainly operate in the local Cheadle and surrounding area but welcome approaches from all over Greater Manchester.

Our main activities include:

  • Friday Prayers
  • Assemblies
  • Pastoral Support
  • Teacher Awareness & Training

We can tailor our supports to the unique needs of each school and can extend to providing educational resources, organising awareness workshops, and even networking opportunities and special events.

Get in touch

If you would like to arrange a discussion and/or support for your school, please email us at [email protected].

If you would like to arrange a school visit for students to our centre, please click here

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