Weekday School


To produce a generation of Muslims who have a balanced and contextualised understanding of Islam, Muslims who are not only God conscious, but also productive and contributive citizens of British society thereby leading purpose-driven lives in a way that promotes peace, harmony, tolerance and justice.


The Cheadle Masjid Weekend Islamic School has been running for many years now; Its aim is to help provide a basis of Islamic education for our children aged 5 – 11 years. It will supplement the Islamic Education you provide at home, of course it cannot be a whole substitute, the culture is Islamic Practice can only be developed by developing an Islamic environment at home.

Subjects and Curriculum

Children will learn Insha’Allah how to recite the Qur’an with correct Tajweed and with some basic understanding. The CMA Weekday Supplementary School currently utilises the Safar Academy curriculum for Islamic studies.

The curriculum has been designed and developed by a number of highly qualified academics from across the globe and has been tested in numerous schools, with excellent feedback. The syllabus is in English and Arabic and covers a variety of subjects for every level of learning, in conformity with up–to-date pedagogical and psychological research.

In addition to the Safar Academy syllabus the school utilises the Ilm 2 Amal curriculum designed by 1st Ethical Trust which focuses on social responsibility. For the Quran session, we base our lessons on the Quran4Kids syllabus which provides a new approach to teaching Quran. The syllabus comes with an Ebook and Apps which enhance the learning experience for our children.

Holistic Approach

We aim to provide a holistic education which not only focuses on the transmission of knowledge but also focuses on the spiritual and emotional development of the child. Our key focus is on tarbiyah, we seek to cultivate and facilitate the spiritual growth of our children. In addition to this we seek to develop an understanding within our children of the social and communal responsibility of every Muslim. By sponsoring orphans and feeding the homeless our children will develop positive values and an understanding of the need to support the destitute and help the less fortunate. Visits to cathedrals, fire stations, the courts etc will provide children with the understanding of how different institutions operate within our society.

Teaching Methodology

Teachers are provided with the Safar academy and Quran4Kids textbooks and will primarily base their lessons on the respective texts. However, the textbooks are a guide and teachers will ensure a variety of resources are used in their lessons. Each teacher will produce a scheme of work detailing what they will cover over a 6 week period. Teachers will also produce lesson plans on a week by week basis. In order to make lessons as engaging and interactive as possible teachers will receive training on how to use Apple technology and will be encouraged to incorporate multimedia in their schemes of work/lesson plans. Our teachers are committed to providing quality education which engages students through activity based and fun lessons.

Term Dates

The 2024/2025 dates are as follows:

Please note, year 2-6 will start on the 6th of September and year 1 will start on the 11th of September

TERMS School Starts School Ends
Autumn Term Monday 2nd September 2024 Saturday 19th October 2024
Monday 21st October 2024 to Saturday 26th October 2024
Monday 28th October 2024 Thursday 19th December 2024
Spring Term Monday 2nd January 2025 Saturday 15th February 2025
Monday 17th February to Saturday 22nd February 2025
Monday 24th February 2025* Saturday 11th April 2025
Summer Term Monday 28th April 2025 Friday 24th May 2025
Monday 26th May to Saturday 7th June 2025
Monday 9th June 2025 Friday 25th July 2025

* Please note, during Ramadan we will operate on weekends only and more information will be communicated closer to the time.

School Days

School days for 2024 / 2025 are listed below.

Your child is expected to be at Madrasa at 5pm until 7pm in the weekdays and 10:15am to 12:15pm on Saturdays.

Year School days
Year 1 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Year 2 Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
Year 3 Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
Year 4 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Year 5 Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
Year 6 Tuesday, Friday & Saturday


Fees are very reasonable and we have a discount system for multiple children of the same immediate family.

The school fees for 2024/2025 are as follows:

Payments are due on the 1st of every month for 10 months and will commence from 1st September.  Payments should be made using the parent portal.

Monthly Payment x 10 Annual Fee
1st Child: £60.00 £600.00
2nd Child: £45.40 £454.00
3rd Child: £30.75 £307.50

Please use the parent portal to sign up for payments by direct debit*.  This ensures all payments are collected smoothly and without the continued need for the madrasah chasing up for outstanding fees.

* Please note if you sign up for direct debit and you have children in our Islamic studies classes, their fees will also be taken via direct debit on the respective invoice dates.

Invoicing issues: if you have not received your invoice emails please email [email protected] including your child’s name and year group in order to locate any missing invoices.

We would love your children to attend the Cheadle Masjid Weekday Islamic School, please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
For more information, please email [email protected]


The school is no longer accepting applications for 2024/25 year 1.  You may apply for older years and will be put on the waiting list.  When a place becomes available we will reach out to you.

Please also note, the days your child attends madrasa are fixed and attendance on all 3 days is mandatory.  If you cannot commit to attending on the three nominated days, please do not submit an application.

To apply for year 1, your child MUST be 5 on 31st August 2024 and no older than 6 years old.  

To apply for other years, they must have Arabic and Quran based knowledge and we will take them through an assessment process before accepting them. 

The application form can be found here.

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