Community Cohesion

“O mankind, indeed, we have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another”(Al-Hujurat, 49:13)

These are the beautiful words of Allah (swt); as Muslims we need to be part of the societies, we live in work to bring people together. Yes, people of different backgrounds and faiths may have different points of view, but we respect those views and sometimes agree to disagree; however there is a common humanity that binds us. Our views on the sanctity of life, safety, good health, equality, caring for each other are the same – this worldview is one that we all share and indeed we need to work together on this.

As Cheadle Masjid we love therefore to engage and build bridges of friendship and understanding to counter negative stereotypes – we hold Open Day Extravaganzas, “Visit My Mosque” days, “Great Get Togethers”, “Taste Ramadan” events, School Visits and even support the organising committee for the Heald Green Festival. We are also fortunate to be able to work with a number of Interfaith groups including Heald Green Churches Together and local churches with Handforth and Wilmslow.

Coming together is a way to help communities become cohesive – we love to get together and share some food and we are Alhamdullilah

It is one of the principles of our faith to help our fellow human beings and this can be done in a myriad of ways, helping them through difficulties – of illness, disability or financial. It can be clearing the litter from the roads, helping with shopping, giving to charity or even a smile. We need to go out there with the intention of doing good – with no expectation of reward or thank you – we do it because this is what Allah (swt) (God) has ordained. There is nothing more satisfying for our own soul to be able to help someone and knowing that your reward is with Allah (swt).

Therefore, we aim to be a Masjid that can support people from the cradle to the grave – our activities reflect this. Whether that be through education, providing support through difficult times, and enjoying good times together as families (i.e. The family talks and Annual Dinners,) or nurturing our children’s talent (i.e. CMA’s Got Talent, The Islamic schools and Youth Clubs) – we wish to be there for you. We are after all one community and we stand together – in that there is great strength and support.

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