Palestine: the past, the present

Little Gems (Mother & Toddler Group)

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A group for mothers and toddlers. Come along to the masjid and enjoy a safe space for your babies and toddlers to explore and grow with […]

Event Series Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly iman booster for sisters. Study circle followed by tea and chat! A warm welcoming circle that encourages women to learn how to deal with daily […]

The Last Sermon

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Join us for an ‘Arafah day special in which we look over the Prophet’s ‎ﷺ last sermon delivered on the day of ‘Arafah over 1400 years […]


Eid ul Adha 2022

Bruntwood Park Bruntwood Lane, Cheadle, United Kingdom

✨ CMA Eid Salah In The Park ✨ ⌚️ Arrival: 7:30am | Salah: 8:30am Important announcements video:   Reviving the Sunnah and providing a fun […]

Little Gems (Mother & Toddler Group)

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A group for mothers and toddlers. Come along to the masjid and enjoy a safe space for your babies and toddlers to explore and grow with […]

Event Series Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly iman booster for sisters. Study circle followed by tea and chat! A warm welcoming circle that encourages women to learn how to deal with daily […]

WMA Eid ul Adha Celebration

St Lukes Community Centre St Lukes Community Centre, Brownley Road, United Kingdom

An Eid celebration bringing together families, friends and the community to enjoy a great Friday night insha’Allah. With: Fine food Henna designs Face painting Balloon modelling […]


Auntys 1k walk

Bramhall Park Bramhall Park, United Kingdom

Auntys 1k walk Chat, eat chaat and more. Sign up now for walk, ghapchap while you enjoy some desi snacks. We'll make you a fundraising page where […]


What do Councillors do?

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Interested in Local Politics & Community Issues? Fancy representing your Community? Ever thought of becoming a councillor ? Do you ever wonder what a councillor does? […]


Sisters Youth Study Circle – 8-11

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A girls study circle for 8-11 year olds. Come learn with fellow sisters. Varying topics on a weekly basis. Please ensure you register your child's details […]

Event Series Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly iman booster for sisters. Study circle followed by tea and chat! A warm welcoming circle that encourages women to learn how to deal with daily […]

Sisters Youth Qiyam – 11-14

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Friday Night Chill at the Masjid. Activities | Games | Reminders | Refreshments The club will be run by experienced volunteers. This event is for girls […]



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