Arafah Day Special

WMA: Sisters Youth Qiyaam – 11-16

Wythenshawe Masjid 7 Moor End, Wythenshawe, United Kingdom

🍕An action packed evening for sisters aged 11-16 years - including reminders, activities, pizza & more! ❕Limited spaces - please register at: ❗️No registration, no entry […]


WMA Preparing for Ramadan

Wythenshawe Masjid 7 Moor End, Wythenshawe, United Kingdom

Preparing for Ramadan with Imam Abu Zaid As Ramadan approaches, join us to explore how to make the most of this blessed month. After Salatul Isha […]


Kids Fire Engine Visit

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Event Series Brothers in Arms

Brothers in Arms

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Masjid Support Group for Brothers facing Marital Difficulties We know that marriage is a cornerstone of our faith but we also know sometimes they breakdown - […]

Event Series Brothers in Arms

Brothers in Arms

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

Masjid Support Group for Brothers facing Marital Difficulties We know that marriage is a cornerstone of our faith but we also know sometimes they breakdown - […]

Event Series Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Ladies Weekly Halaqa

Cheadle Masjid 377 Wilmslow Road, Heald Green, Cheadle, United Kingdom

A weekly iman booster for sisters. A warm welcoming circle that encourages women to learn how to deal with daily issues through the eyes of a believer. […]

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