The Team

Over the past two years, the Masjid has brought together an accomplished project team, who with the support of Allah SWT will deliver this ambitious project.

The Board of Trustees comprises of a range of professionals, including finance, legal and a planning consultant. We will provide direction and oversight of this project, with a keen eye on financial management.

The Board has invested significant time alongside Generation in ensuring we have engaged the right consultants who can undertake the redevelopment, on time and within the required budget.

Generation (Development managers)

This accomplished land and property consultancy have been working with us closely to effectively plan, design and deliver the new Masjid, whilst ensuring we get best value for money.

Four Architects (Architect)

Four Architect’s are an award-winning, with recent experience of designing a Masjid in Preston.

Zerum (Project Managers)

Zerum’s diligent and dedicated team is from a background in complex developments. Zerum have taken a very pro-active approach to guide the Board through tough decisions.

Connor Christmas (Quantity Surveyor)

Quantity Surveyors for high level commercial management, procurement and supply chain management.

Structural Engineers: Civic Engineers
Mechanical & Electrical Engineers: Parker Wilson
Fire Engineer: BB7
Planning Consultants: Paul Butler Associates

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