The Plans


Over the past year Cheadle Masjid has been working with professional consultants to ensure we build a Masjid that is both high quality and in line with the a budget of £5.0 million.

Having reworked the design in 2019 to provide improved internal flows and external appearance, a revised planning permission was obtained in November 2019. Following this we locked down the detailed design of the Masjid and starting engaging a number of potential contractors. Having engaged with over ten contractors initially, we reduced this to a shortlist of six who we were going to invite to tender for the project. This would have allowed us to start the redevelopment in May 2020.

However, due to the impact of COVID-19 going out to tender had to be delayed, both due to the impact the closure of the Masjid had on fundraising and also on advice from the build team who indicated it would be difficult to get an accurate price from contractors, who themselves were facing difficult times during this period.

Insha’Allah the current situation will resolve itself in the near future, and while there is a delay to the start to the Build, the desire to move the project forwards remains the same.

We will continue to update the community on the revised timings in the coming months insha’Allah.

You have seen some of the fantastic visuals of the new Masjid on different pages, and below we have set out the more detailed floor plans.

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